SI3 Diagnostics

The processing tasks in this chapter create diagnostics for the SI3 sea ice model.

Assumptions about input data:

  • input data are output files from SI3, i.e. NetCDF files on a global curvilinear grid.
  • data for land cells is flagged as invalid.
  • monthly output files. Otherwise the tasks will fail to compute the diagnostics.


Diagnostic Type: Time Series
Mapped to: ece.mon.si3_hemis_sum_month_mean_timeseries

Computes the hemispheric sum of a sea ice variable’s month mean, resulting in a time series diagnostic. This can be used to create a seasonal cycle time series (March-September or similar) or the time series of another selection of months.

Required arguments

  • src: A list of strings or a single string containing paths to the desired SI3 output file(s).
  • domain: A string containing the path to the file. The variables e1t and e2t are used for computing the area weights.
  • varname: The name of the ice variable as saved in the output file. Can be sivolu or siconc.
  • hemisphere: The name of the requested hemisphere. Can be north or south.
  • dst: A string ending in .nc. This is where the diagnostic will be saved.
- ece.mon.si3_hemis_sum_month_mean_timeseries:
        - "{{feb_file[0]}}"
        - "{{sep_file[0]}}"
    domain: "{{rundir}}/"
    dst: "{{mondir}}/"
    hemisphere: south
    varname: siconc


Diagnostic Type: Map
Mapped to: ece.mon.si3_hemis_point_month_mean_all_mean_map
Map Type: polar ice sheet

Computes the simulation average climatology of a sea ice variable’s month mean on one hemisphere, resulting in a map diagnostic. E.g. the simulation mean of all March means of the arctic sea ice concentration.

Required arguments

  • src: A string containing paths to the desired SI3 output file.
  • varname: The name of the ice variable as saved in the output file. Can be sivolu or siconc.
  • hemisphere: The name of the requested hemisphere. Can be north or south.
  • dst: A string ending in .nc. This is where the diagnostic will be saved.
- ece.mon.si3_hemis_point_month_mean_all_mean_map:
    src: "{{ice_file_sep}}"
    dst: "{{mondir}}/"
    hemisphere: south
    varname: sivolu


Diagnostic Type: Temporal Map
Mapped to: ece.mon.si3_hemis_point_month_mean_temporalmap
Map Type: polar ice sheet

Creates a temporal map of a sea ice variable’s month mean, resulting in a temporal map diagnostic. E.g. the March means of the arctic sea ice concentration over time.

Required arguments

  • src: A string containing paths to the desired SI3 output file.
  • varname: The name of the ice variable as saved in the output file. Can be sivolu or siconc.
  • hemisphere: The name of the requested hemisphere. Can be north or south.
  • dst: A string ending in .nc. This is where the diagnostic will be saved.
- ece.mon.si3_hemis_point_month_mean_temporalmap:
        src: "{{ice_file_mar}}"
        dst: "{{mondir}}/"
        hemisphere: north
        varname: siconc