Developer’s Guide

This part summarizes guidelines for extending the monitoring tool.

General Notes for Contributing

Use black and isort to format the code you add.

Code Structure

All monitoring tasks are contained in the folder monitoring. helpers contains modules with functions and classes that are needed in multiple unrelated, processing and presentation tasks.

All monitoring tasks inherit from the generic ScriptEngine Task. Processing tasks have an inheritance substructure defined by their diagnostic type. New processing tasks should adhere to these structure: Either inherit from the corresponding Diagnostictype class (Scalar, Timeseries, Map, Temporalmap) or create a new one if it is a new diagnostic type. The Diagnostictype class provides a save() method that can be reused by all inherited tasks. This structure is illustrated below:


To make a task accessible to users, add it as an entry point to

Logging Policy

Every (monitoring) task is responsible for logging its execution. In the beginning of (after very few lines of code), a task must call self.log_info() to log that it is active. It may include information about its arguments in the log message, but nothing that would require a lot of code processing the arguments (which could fail). A task should write only one log_info message during execution. General “progression” statements must be log_debug messages. If a monitoring task experiences an unrecoverable error: It must use log_error and throw one of the ScriptEngine Task Exceptions. For problems which do not lead to a ScriptEngineTaskException, use log_warning instead.

Naming Processing Tasks

A processing task has a name that appears in multiple places:

  • the Python class
  • the Python module
  • the YAML representation
  • the diagnostics on disk created by it

These all adhere to the same naming scheme: variable_component_[domain_op_...]_diagnostictype. The Python class uses the name in CamelCase naming convention. YAML representation, module, and diagnostic on disk use the snake_case naming convention (see the usage example).

Component Spatial Domain Spatial Operation Temporal Domain Temporal Operation Diagnostic Type
oifs global mean season: djf, mam,… mean scalar
nemo hemis: north, south sum month: jan, feb,… min timeseries
si3 region: region names min year max map
lpjg   max all   temporalmap
fesom   point?      

Italic keywords can be used as placeholders for the keywords they describe. If a user can select the operation of the domain, use op as a placeholder.

The domain_op combination can be used consecutively, e.g.: global_sum_month_max_year_mean. The variable keyword is less standardized, e.g. amocstrength, sypd, tos, 2t, 167,… Depending on the diagnostic/processing task, parts of the naming scheme are unnecessary. diagnostictype may not be omitted.

Usage Example: Naming Scheme

  • Python class: NemoGlobalMeanYearMeanTimeseries
  • Python module: nemo_global_mean_year_mean_timeseries
  • YAML representation: ece.nemo_global_mean_year_mean_timeseries
  • the diagnostics on disk created by it:

Naming Presentation Tasks

Naming presentation tasks is not as standardized as for processing tasks. The task/class/module name should be the presentation outlet, e.g. Markdown. Their YAML representation is preceded by ece.mon.presentation to make them distinguishable from processing tasks.