OpenIFS Diagnostics

These processing tasks assume that the provided input file is a NetCDF output file from OpenIFS with monthly data. Further assumptions:

  • regularly-spaced in time
  • data in grid-point space on a reduced Gaussian grid
  • 2D variables only


Diagnostic Type: Time Series
Mapped to: ece.mon.oifs_global_mean_year_mean_timeseries

This processing task computes the global and temporal average of a 2D atmospheric quantity, resulting in a time series diagnostic.

To compute an annual mean, the leg has to be one year long. If it is, e.g., six months long, the task will compute the six month global mean of the input variable.

Required arguments

  • src: A string containing the path to the OpenIFS output file.
  • varname: The name of the variable in the output file. Refer to the ECMWF parameter database for the meaning of the variables.
  • dst: A string ending in .nc. This is where the diagnostic will be saved.
- ece.mon.oifs_global_mean_year_mean_timeseries:
    src: "{{rundir}}/output/oifs/{{exp_id}}"
    varname: 2t
    dst: "{{mondir}}/"


Diagnostic Type: Map
Map Type: global atmosphere
Mapped to: ece.mon.oifs_all_mean_map

This task takes the “simulation average climatology” (i.e., a multi-year mean) of a global 2D atmospheric variable and saves it as a map diagnostic on disk.

Required arguments

  • src: A string containing the path to the OpenIFS output file.
  • varname: The name of the variable in the output file. Refer to the ECMWF parameter database for the meaning of the variables.
  • dst: A string ending in .nc. This is where the diagnostic will be saved.
- ece.mon.oifs_all_mean_map:
    src: "{{rundir}}/output/oifs/{{exp_id}}"
    varname: 2t
    dst: "{{mondir}}/"


Diagnostic Type: Temporal Map
Map Type: global atmosphere
Mapped to: ece.mon.oifs_year_mean_temporalmap

This task takes the leg mean of a global 2D ocean variable and saves it as a temporal map diagnostic on disk. It assumes the leg is one year long, which is why it is called “YearMeanTemporalMap”.

Required arguments

  • src: A string containing the path to the OpenIFS output file.
  • varname: The name of the variable in the output file. Refer to the ECMWF parameter database for the meaning of the variables.
  • dst: A string ending in .nc. This is where the diagnostic will be saved.
- ece.mon.oifs_year_mean_temporalmap:
    src: "{{rundir}}/output/oifs/{{exp_id}}"
    varname: 2t
    dst: "{{mondir}}/"